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Welcome to Subulassalam website, the word Subulassalam has been taken from the Holy Quran and it occurs in Sura-e-Al-Maida, Verse No. 16.

Allah says in the Quran:

“Wherewith Allah Guides all who seek His good pleasure to ways of peace and safety, and Leads them out of darkness, by His will, unto the light, and Guides them to a path that is straight.”

The meaning of word Subulassalam is “Ways of Peace” and Islam is the religion of peace and Quran has all the ways to get peace. To find out those ways we have to read and understand the Quran. So, this word has been selected for the course of Learning Quranic Arabic and this website is dedicated to publish the course “Subulassalam” and different learning resources for Quran. This website is a Quran Learning Portal for you and you will find it very useful in your learning and understanding the Holy Book. InshaAllah

I would like to thank my respect teacher Professor Habib Ashraf Farooqui who taught me the first lesson of Subulassalam Course. He is the one who developed Subulassalam Course to teach basic and essential Quranic Grammar rules in very short time.

I also want to take the opportunity to thank all of those who are helping me in the construction of this website. Also all of those who has generated the very informative resources and I am publishing them here again only for education purpose. May Allah reward all of you for these remarkable deeds! Ameen

For any questions, to register for Quranic Arabic course or to conduct Quranic Arabic Course in your area, please send us email at "subulassalam" at account.

Note: Please, note if you find any outside website link on Subulassalam website, the information provided on that outside website belong to that website and does not take any responsibility of the resources or information of outside website. The URL is provided here after basic understanding and with positive intention to support the same cause. If you have question related to outside websites, please contact the owner of those websites.

Jazakallah Khairun

Website Owner and Teacher at Subulassalam Academy, Canada

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