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Islamic Links Section
In this section, you will find all the islamic website URL at one place and also categorized in respective category for example, Islam, Quran and kids etc. Note: Subulassalam Academy has no any type of association with following websites owners or organization, these websites are available online, we have just listed them here in a categorized format to make it easy for people to find URLs at one place.

Holy Quran

Recitation, Translations, Tafseer, Transliterations, Learn Arabic Grammar, Learn Tajweed, Dictionaries, Audios and everything related to Quran.

Recitation, Quran Text, Translations and Transliterations

Arabic Learning (Grammar and Dictionaries)

Bayanaat, Tafaseer and Hadiths

Tajweed and Quran Reading Softwares and Services

Institutions and Organizations

Islamic Institutes and organizations websites

Islamic TV

Islamic Channels, Videos, Torrants etc.

Kids Zone

Islamic Poems, Islamic Games, Educational, Quiz, Coloring and everything related to kids and Islam.

Academic Education Websites

Masajid in Ontario

List of different Masajid in Ontario and their websites address


Naat, Islamic Nasheed, Supplications, Moon sighting, Halal Eating, Hijab Shop, Forums etc. etc.

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